Find out how Trust-Place helps brands transform this regulation into a fantastic opportunity for them and for all the owners of their products!

As you know by now, the Digital Product Passport (DPP) is coming to Europe. But if some decide to surf on this subject, Trust-Place has already been integrating it into its platform for several months to help brands prepare for this upcoming legislation on the DPP.
With numerous projects already underway, Trust-Place positions itself as a major partner of Brands in the implementation of a solution combining response to regulations and the creation of ever more innovative services for all owners of their products!
We therefore suggest that you understand the DPP in 5 simple questions!
1- What does the digital product passport (DPP) consist of?
The Digital Product Passport initiative is part of the Ecodesign of Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR) and is one of the pillars of the EU Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP). For the first product groups, the DPP is expected to come into force in 2026, which does not give companies much time to prepare.
The Digital Product Passport (DPP) is essential for the EU's transition to a circular economy. It will provide information on the environmental sustainability of properties. It aims to improve traceability and transparency throughout the value chain of a product, as well as the management and sharing of data relating to the latter. These are essential to ensure sustainable use, life extension and circularity.
The DPP aims to help consumers and businesses make informed choices when purchasing products. It should also help public authorities to better carry out checks and controls.
2- What are the industries concerned?
Almost all products sold in the European Union must have their digital product passport (DPP). If ultimately, all sectors are concerned, the first 3 industries are:
The batteries
Every industrial and electric vehicle battery must be accompanied by a digital product passport, with information relating to safety requirements and targets for recycled content in batteries.
Specifically, data must be provided on material origin, carbon footprint, percentages of recycled materials used, battery durability, reuse and recycling guidelines, percentages of recycled materials used, sustainability of batteries, reuse and recycling guidelines.
The textile
Each textile product will need a unique digital identity containing information about its origin, its composition, its impact on the environment, as well as how it should be maintained, reused and recycled at the end of its life so that it can continue its circular journey. Besides clothing, it can also include accessories, shoes and household items.
The electronics goods
The focus is on collecting information as products are manufactured to promote circularity and encourage consumers to make environmentally friendly choices. This will also enable a longer product lifespan through reuse, repair, proper sorting and recycling. Durability and repairability are likely to be a key part of the DPP for electronic products, particularly with the EU's right to repair law.
3- How can we access the DPP?
The proposed European regulation provides for the obligation to establish a “unique product identifier” for all products covered by the text. This identifier will constitute the essential element of each passport, from which they will be recorded, enriched and consulted. It must be in the form of a unique string of characters intended for the identification of the products, with possible insertion of a web link to the digital passport of the products. At this stage, the identifier must be able to be read by everyone, it mainly takes the form of a QRCode or an NFC chip. Other vectors may exist if they meet the regulations.
4- What is the value provided by the DPP?
The DPP will bring different benefits, both to brands, regulators and consumers
Leverage DPP for personalized consumer engagement
Access reliable and comparable information on product sustainability
Provide transparent and consistent product data across the value chain
Monitor and report sustainability data using a digital tool
Unlock entirely new business models, such as reselling, care & repair, insurance and more !
Improve brand protection by authenticating a product’s chain of custody
5- How can the Trust-Place platform facilitate the adoption of the DPP?
The Trust-Place platform makes it possible to simply integrate all the important information in the life cycle of a product, and to transmit it to consumers, either upstream, even before the act of purchase, or throughout its life. of the product concerned to the various owners.
To do this, we work jointly with brands and some of their partners in order to collect, organize and materialize all the data resulting from their traceability (upstream or downstream) on a digital certificate which will follow the product and all its owners throughout their life. lives.
Beyond responding to this regulatory constraint, brands can now with Trust-Place obtain complete visibility of the life cycle of products and all their owners, while ensuring the authenticity of their goods, as well as any new exclusive and innovative services to get to know them, build their loyalty and understand them better!