Rinku, the French designer of high-end furniture, has chosen to partner with Trust-Place to authenticate its creations, promote its sustainable know-how and reinvent the experience of its customers. The Marseillaise brand wants to strengthen and develop its digital community, through the digital certification of its creations. Through this collaboration, Rinku wants to strengthen the exclusivity of its products as well as the uniqueness of its cabinetmaking 2.0 positioning.
Aesthetics according to Rinku: each creation has its own story

Rinku was born in 2019 from the meeting of Raphaël Cei and Sébastien Lenzi. In Marseille, the two men met within a FabLab, these platforms dedicated to the free sharing of spaces, machines and know-how. Both share the same idea of the marriage of progress and craftsmanship. They then decide to combine their skills, Rinku was born. « Rinku means in Japanese to connect, the idea of the brand is to sublimate the traditional know-how of cabinetmaking with ultra-modern cutting techniques. We use different species of natural woods such as walnut, oak or ash, we want our customers to reconnect with the very material of our furniture » explains Raphaël, co-founder of RinkuDesign.
Rinku's aesthetic is defined by humble and singular design, dictated by balance, purity of forms and fair respect for proportions. A style with artisanal roots designed to cross generations and imbued with a gently contemporary spirit. In the spirit of Rinku: the modernity of Charlotte Perriand, minimalism, according to Dieter Rams, the founder of the functionalist school of industrial design, the conceptual spirit of Sophie Calle and respect for the fundamental principles dictated by the artisan of Pierre Chapo wood: material, form and function.

Designed for simple and quick assembly, Rinku furniture is born from assembly processes that minimize errors and waste of materials. This design and philosophy have made Rinku one of the rising stars of design, whether on social networks or via the increasingly prestigious clients who order these creations.
Create a link, in complete confidence, with digital certification
Connect the different elements of a piece of furniture using assemblies. Techniques of which the Japanese are masters and which define the balance between the structure and elegance of a piece of furniture.
In search of a compromise between solidity, lightness and design, Rinku reinterprets traditional carpentry and cabinetmaking techniques and combines them with industrial technology to create collections of tables and small objects with a sustainable design. At the heart of the Rinku method lies an idea: to produce beautifully crafted furniture in the most ethical and responsible way possible, with a quality handcrafted finish.

It is around this idea that Rinku now wishes to develop its community to be able to share privileged content, such as the history of furniture manufacturing, but also of the brand. « It was very important for us to develop and foster a real community around our brand.» explains Raphael Cei. « We wanted to be able to share truly privileged and qualitative information with all the owners of our products, to be able to tell them all the stages of manufacturing, but above all the story behind each of them, and to develop unique content around it. Our furniture is sometimes given as a gift and we don't want to lose this connection with each owner of our products over time. The Trust-Place solution based on digital certification then appeared as the tool that would allow us to create this link, this dialogue with all the owners of our creations. »
Concretely, each piece of furniture is equipped with a unique NFC chip, integrated during manufacturing, giving it its own identity. At the time of purchase, the creation is digitally associated with the purchaser's coded information to generate a "Digital Certificate of Ownership", recoverable and usable through the free Trust-Place application, in compliance with the rules of the privacy (GDPR). Thus, each owner is able to preserve/maximize the value of their property over time by being able to prove the authenticity and ownership of the creation at any time and anywhere. But the certificate will also allow him to access the exclusive story told by his piece of furniture, while giving him access to privileged services such as a VIP club, previews to future private sales of the brand, exclusive content or even direct access to tailor-made after-sales.

« We are really very happy to support a creator like Rinku in the reinvention of his post-purchase customer experience» declares Didier Mattalia, co-founder and Managing Director of Trust-Place. « The Trust-Place platform was created to address issues common to a majority of brands, whatever their sectors of activity: how to keep in touch with all the owners of their products - whom they do not know today , particularly with the development of resale - in order to promote them, to give them direct access, and to offer them privileged services and experiences as authenticated owners. Many established brands in the fashion and luxury sector have already been using our solution for several years, but new industries such as soft mobility, high-end household appliances or furniture have also started to benefit from it in recent months. ».
Sustainability highlighted and integrated into a DPP (digital passport product)
The environmental aspect and sustainability are also essential subjects for Rinku. Because nothing is lost, the designer recycles 99% of his scrap materials to reinvent everyday objects. In addition, the collection of small objects is always imagined and manufactured locally. Rinku also partners with the NGO “Tree Nation” to contribute to reforestation and energy conservation. For each piece of furniture created, the brand plants one or more trees to offset its impact.
« When we buy a product from a brand, we now want to know its history but also its origin, its composition, the origin of its materials...»continues Didier Mattalia. « This is also the objective of the famous European DPP (digital product passport), integrated into the “green deal”, in order to maximize the sustainability of goods. Trust-Place already integrates this information into digital certificates and Rinku will also be able to highlight all the work carried out on this subject ».